Start New Enrolment Application

Enrolment -

Thank you for choosing Nayland College for your child's education! 

Enrolments for 2025 open 1 July and close 4:00pm 23 August 2024. All OUT-OF-ZONE applications must be returned by this date to be included in the ballot.

To enrol during the current school year, you will need to provide evidence that you live within our enrolment zone. 

Before you begin, please ensure you have a digital copy of the following documents ready to upload. File types can be images, PDF's or word documents. It is also helpful to clearly name the file before uploading i.e. 'birth certificate'/'passport'/'proof of address' etc. 

1.    Your child's NZ Birth Certificate or NZ Passport if born in New Zealand.

2.    If not born in New Zealand, Passport and Resident visa/Student visa.

3.    Legal documents  (e.g. custody agreements, parental orders, legal guardianship declaration, unsupported child benefit document etc as applicable). Note: For in-zone enrolment applications, if you are not the student’s biological parent, we will require proof that the student is allowed to stay with you e.g. a Statutory Declaration from the courts or an official court/Oranga Tamariki/WINZ Unsupported Child Benefit document. 

4.    Two types of 'proof of address' clearly showing caregiver's name and address, for in-zone enrolment applications. Documents used for proof of address must be current (within 6 weeks) and from a Government Department e.g. IRD, NZTA, Housing NZ, Work & Income, tenancy agreement or a power/telephone account. Bank statements may only be used as secondary forms of evidence. Insurance statements will not be accepted.

Note: Students must be living with their legal caregiver at a long-term in-zone address on their start date, unless accepted as an out-of-zone student.

A legal caregiver must complete this enrolment application.